Entries by InFocus Film School

A Never-ending Story: Julia Ivanova’s Limit is the Sky

by Renee Sutton   At the mercy of the world economy and great forces of nature, Julia Ivanova’s latest NFB documentary was a story that just wouldn’t stop unfolding. While no filmmaker can be entirely sure where they will end up when they begin the process of making a documentary, Ivanova’s Limit is the Sky (2016) was pulled […]

Film Festival Tips for New Filmmakers

  If you love filmmaking, overdosing on popcorn, and waiting in line ups, then you’ve probably seen a film at a film festival before. Festivals have a certain exciting frequency to them as audience members, celebrities and filmmakers all enjoy the same viewing screen. But for a new filmmaker, festivals can be daunting new territory. […]

Shooting Without a Script: Improvised Cinema

No matter how much care a screenwriter may put into their script, it only takes one rogue actor with a penchant to ad-lib to completely derail their meticulously written dialogue. There are a number of infamous scenes that have come from this process.   Perhaps one of the most iconic scenes is in Raiders of […]

Women in Film: Where They Are and How Far They’ve Come

by Renee Sutton International Women’s Day is a global celebration of the social, cultural, and economic achievements of women around the world, and an opportunity to celebrate and reflect on some of the most badass women in film, both in history and today.   The role of women in the film industry has changed dramatically since the […]

Prompt Your Way to Better Screenwriting

  Margaret Atwood eloquently captured the struggle of many emerging writers when she said: “If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word.” Although it’s much more romantic to imagine screenwriting as a god given talent rather than an acquired skill, the truth is that the key to becoming a skilled screenwriter is […]

Starting Your Own Film Production Company

Running your own film production company is an appealing prospect: being your own boss, hand-picking projects and being intimately involved in all aspects of production. Whether you are striving to make a living, or creating a launching pad for passion projects, here are a few factors to consider.

Four TV Shows That Got Their Start Online

With networks like Comedy Central, HBO and truTV now picking up webseries as full length shows, the race to produce marketable content is on. Here are four tv shows that got their start online: Drunk History On August 6th, 2007 Mark Gagliardi drank a bottle of Scotch…and then discussed a famous historical event. True to […]

The Reemergence of Super 16mm: Aesthetics & Practicality

By Freddie Kim   Cinematography in indie filmmaking is a constant negotiation between financial reality and creative vision. With that in mind, should indie cinematographers consider Super 16mm more seriously? There are some sound arguments for it.   Financially, film may not be as expensive of a choice as most would think. Arri CSC still […]

Stabilizing a DSLR Camera on a Budget

The versatility of the DSLR camera has made it a favourite among independent filmmakers. With a compact design that is highly compatible with small crews and Guerilla style shoots, the large sensor and wide selection of lenses have the potential to produce footage cinematically akin to 35mm film. The major downfall to the lightweight body […]

How To Find Work In The Film Industry

There’s a saying that is frustratingly accurate when it comes to finding work in the film industry: “You can’t get a job without experience, and you can’t get experience without a job.” Whether you are fresh out of film school, or coming into the industry with a completely blank slate, here are some tips to securing a […]