Film Production Program Project Timeline
Photo Essay
As an exercise in framing and composition, you will be tasked with creating a photo essay, a series of images linked by a common theme or story. You will be challenged to tell this story in 10 specific shots including: Close Up, Medium Close-Up, Dutch Angle and others.
Silent Film
As a visual medium, a film must primarily tell its story through imagery. As your first film project, you are asked to create a silent film. A film with no dialogue, but a clear story. This challenges you as a filmmaker to “show, not tell,” utilizing nothing but visual storytelling to engage your audience and start developing your artistic style.
Pointing a camera at others requires insight and understanding. That’s why you must learn to point a camera at yourself first. This project provides the opportunity to tell a pivotal moment or story in your life. This project helps you experience vulnerability in storytelling and impact the way you write and direct moving forward.
Scene Study
Working with an existing script from a famous film, you will re-create the scene with an original vision and a focus on drawing a believable performance from the actors. It will also help you step into the shoes of some of cinema’s most influential Directors, emulating their vision from script to screen before you develop your own creative voice.
Studio Shoot
This will be your first chance to sit in the director’s chair. You will be assigned an existing script to add your own directorial style to. You can play with theme, tone, genre and story elements to completely recreate it. This film will be shot exclusively at InFocus Film School’s film studio.
Web Short
You will write and direct your own shoe-string budget short film. Learn how to find locations as well as source and cast independent actors. Films will be shot over one full day. Each director will rotate into other key roles like cinematography, lighting, sound, producing and assistant directing to support their classmates, giving you an expansive experience on all the main on-set positions. Directors will also edit their own web shorts.
Documentary Portrait
After pitching your story idea, students will direct and edit a documentary portrait, a short film highlighting an inspiring or interesting person, organization, or cause in the community. Develop your skills in lighting and filming interviews and learn how to ask questions in a way that allows your subject to be vulnerable and engaging for your story. You can later elect to expand the documentary, evolving your portrait concept as a full Term 4 Grad Film.
One Shot Sequence
Students are challenged to shoot a oner–or one shot sequence–a scene that takes place all in one shot. Lasting 45-60 seconds, this sequence must incorporate movement and several different shot sizes, such as close-up, medium, and wide shots.
Painting with Light
Learn how to work with classmates to create atmosphere and mood using only lighting and camera techniques. Use light as a character in the scene and experiment with unique shot composition.
Music Video
Short Dramatic Film
Every student will write a screenplay for a festival-quality short film and pitch their idea to a panel of judges. The top projects will be produced with full crews, utilizing all skills built over the program. Though every student must write a screenplay, you can pitch yourself for other crew roles like Director, Cinematographer, Producer, Production Designer and more. Grad films will be publicly screened at a state-of-the-art movie theatre with friends, family, mentors and industry professionals in attendance.
Demo Reel
In the final week, students create a demo reel in preparation for entering the industry.