how to be a video editor


how to be a video editor


Video editing is a crucial part of the post-production process that can make or break a video project. A good editor can enhance the footage by using a variety of techniques such as pacing, timing, color grading, and sound design, resulting in a polished and professional final product. On the other hand, a poorly edited video can detract from the footage’s impact, leaving viewers disengaged and uninterested. With this in mind, here are 6 great tips for aspiring video editors looking to turn their passion into a professional career.


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Vancouver is home to some of the biggest Hollywood productions and is known to location scouts for its unmatched beauty, diversity and convenience. This has led to Vancouver being home to many exciting and career-launching film festivals. Here are 4 film festivals in Vancouver that film students won’t want to miss!


Top film festivals in vancouver

It’s every aspiring filmmaker’s idea of heaven: Days of endless new films, appearances from directors, actors and other film professionals, and even workshops and networking opportunities! Attending a film festival could lead to you discovering your new favorite filmmaker, meeting your personal hero, or even catching your big break.


Fortunately for those considering film school in Vancouver, the city has no shortage of excellent events. With such a vibrant movie industry presence, the area is the ideal backdrop for a range of festivals both large and small, taking in a number of genres and styles and filling their own particular industry niches.






1. Vancouver International Film Festival

Let’s start with the granddaddy of them all. Now in its 35th year, the Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF) isn’t just the biggest in the city, it’s also one of the five largest film festivals in North America, playing host to over 300 films, highly regarded international guests, and countless compelling workshops and lectures for industry insiders and aspiring filmmakers alike.


film festivals in vancouver


The festival typically takes place will take place in September and October of each year, but film school students might have a hard time fitting everything into just over two weeks! With new features including an interactive hub, live performances, VIFF Amp and their many insightful and informative industry VIFF Talks!



With the recent success of the likes of Making a Murderer and The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst, we’re very much in a golden age for documentaries, with filmmakers creating some of the most daring, provocative pieces ever produced in the genre.


film festivals in vancouver


With that in mind, why not check out the latest groundbreaking work for yourself at DOXA Documentary Film Festival? Held each May at various locations around the city, DOXA showcases both local and international films that tell real stories designed to educate and inform, and features appearances from some the leading filmmakers in the field.


3. Crazy8s

Crazy8s is run by the Crazy8s Film Society, a not-for-profit society which offers support to emerging filmmakers who have little or no access to funding for short films. It is an 8-day filmmaking challenge where 6 winning scripts are chosen for production, later to be premiered at the Crazy8s Gala Screening. The gala is a fantastic opportunity for film school students to build a professional network in the world of short filmmaking as well as forming contacts with other new filmmakers, screenwriters and more.

film festivals in vancouver

Crazy8s helps to build the domestic film industry in British Columbia. To date, their annual filmmaking challenge has produced 133 short films that have gone on to win awards at film festivals worldwide. Best of all, any emerging filmmaker with a short film script can apply, making it an ideal avenue for film or screenwriting students who are looking to get their ideas made into film.



4. Vancouver International Women in Film Festival

A smaller festival, but one that’s definitely worth a look, the Vancouver International Women in Film Festival, held every March, showcases the best work from women both at home and abroad. The festival screens around fifty films, taking in a number of genres and styles, and is run by Women in Film and Television Vancouver (WIFTV), a not-for-profit society that also offers professional development services for women in the industry throughout the year, including workshops, mentorships, and a monthly networking breakfast.


film festivals in vancouver



Another season of film festivals fast approaching! With that in mind, there are sure to be many opportunities to view some of the best, new films of the year. Don’t miss out on the great workshops and networking events available to aspiring filmmakers during these jam-packed festivals!


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    video game writer

    The video game industry is constantly expanding as games become more cinematic with more complex storylines. With the demand for narrative-driven games on the rise, there has never been a better time to become a video game writer!


    video game writer


    Screenwriting has always been a popular and sought-after career. Many aspiring writers hope to break into the film and television industry writing short and feature film scripts. However, cinematic games such as The Last Of Us and God of War game series are on the rise. As a consequence, there has been an increasing demand for screenwriters in this field. In this blog post, we will explore the growing opportunities for anyone curious about becoming a video game writer. We’ll also discuss how aspiring writers and film school students can take advantage of these new opportunities!




    Good storytelling is crucial in the gaming industry for several reasons. First of all, gaming technology is always advancing. Players have come to expect more immersive and engaging narratives that can rival those found in other mediums, such as film and television.

    Secondly, narrative-driven games such as role-playing games and interactive adventures are becoming more popular. These days, strong storytelling has become a key factor in a game’s success. A compelling narrative can also motivate players to keep playing, as they become invested in finding out what happens next.



    Finally, the gaming industry has become more diverse and inclusive in recent years. Incorporating good video game writing can help to create more relatable and meaningful characters and storylines that resonate with players from all backgrounds. Well-written dialogue and characters can immerse players in the game’s world and make them feel invested in the story.  Additionally, good screenwriting can help players form emotional bonds with the game’s characters.



    Storytelling in the game industry has become increasingly complex and refined. Compared to even ten years ago, modern games are offering more elaborate and multi-layered narratives that rival those found in other mediums.

    An excellent example of this is the 2020 game, The Last of Us Part II. The game’s story spans several years and follows multiple characters, each with their own motivations and agendas. Writers have masterfully woven together themes of grief, revenge, and the consequences of our actions to create a deeply emotional and thought-provoking storyline. The narrative structure subverts player expectations and places the characters in a morally ambiguous world.


    video game writer


    As a result, The Last of Us Part II challenges players to consider the complexities of human behavior and the impact of our choices. This kind of storytelling requires a high degree of skill and craftsmanship. It demonstrates the potential for video games to offer sophisticated and meaningful narratives that engage players on a profound level!




    The game industry offers a range of writing roles for screenwriters. Each position comes with their own unique challenges and opportunities. For instance, a video game writer might work as a narrative designer. In this role, you’re responsible for creating the game’s overarching storyline and world-building elements. Alternatively, they could work as a scriptwriter, crafting the game’s individual scenes. Another option is to work as a dialogue writer, creating witty and engaging lines for the game’s characters to say.

    In addition to these core roles, there are also opportunities for writers to work on marketing materials. Things such as trailers and promotional copy are also critical for the successful launch of a video game.


    video game writer


    Each of these roles requires different skills and expertise from the writer. In the end, they all contribute to the overall storytelling elements and narrative structure of the game. As such, screenwriters have many opportunities to apply their writing skills and creativity to the unique challenges of the game industry.






    Aspiring video game writers looking to break into the game industry have several options to get started. One way is seeking out internships or entry-level positions with established game studios. Look for job postings online in places like Indeed or LinkedIn, or by checking for available job postings on studio websites. These entry-level positions can provide valuable industry experience and networking opportunities that can lead to future writing opportunities.



    Screenwriters can also attend industry events and conferences to network and learn about new trends and technologies in game development. In addition, online communities such as Reddit and Discord can be a great resource for aspiring screenwriters to connect with developers and other industry professionals.



    Finally, screenwriters should create portfolios of their work showing samples related to the game industry. These can include scripts, game design documents, and other writing samples. Aspiring video game writers should focus on showcasing their skill set in areas such as storytelling, character development, dialogue writing, and game design. Employers typically look for strong writing skills and experience in creating engaging narratives.


    video game writer


    They also look for candidates who are familiar with game development or similar environments. As a video game writer, you must showcase that you can work collaboratively with other team members such as designers, programmers, and artists. On that note, knowledge of game engines such as Unreal, as well as experience with interactive storytelling techniques like branching dialogue, is considered a huge asset. Screenwriters in the gaming industry should ultimately be prepared to showcase their creativity, adaptability, and problem-solving skills in their portfolio.





    There are several benefits to pursuing a career in game writing. Firstly, it provides a lot of creative freedom, as writers have the opportunity to shape the game’s story, characters, and world-building elements. This can be particularly appealing for writers who want to explore innovative ideas and take risks with their storytelling.

    Unlike other forms of writing, such as film or television, game writing provides an opportunity to tell stories in a dynamic way. This allows players to explore the world and make decisions that impact the narrative. As a video game writer, you have the ability to create rich and complex characters, design intricate worlds. You can explore exciting new themes and ideas, all while working within the unique constraints of the gaming medium.



    Secondly, game writing requires close collaboration with other members of the development team, such as designers, programmers, and artists.

    Game writing is a highly collaborative process that involves working closely with other members of the development team, such as designers, programmers, and artists. As a video game writer, you will be responsible for creating the narrative and characters that drive the game. You will also need to work closely with other team members to ensure that the story fits seamlessly into the overall gameplay experience. This means that you will need to be comfortable working in a team environment and communicating effectively with others.



    Collaboration is essential to the success of a game. As a video game writer, you will be an integral part of the development team, working closely with others to create a cohesive and engaging player experience.


    Finally, writing for games can be both a rewarding and lucrative career path. As the gaming industry continues to grow and expand, the demand for skilled game writers is increasing. As a result, it has created numerous job opportunities and the potential for high salaries!

    Additionally, working as a video game writer can offer opportunities for career advancement, such as becoming a lead writer or creative director. This can lead to even higher salaries and more creative control over projects. Furthermore, as the gaming industry embraces new innovative technologies, game writers will continue to be in high demand. This is great news for aspiring game writers, providing job security and the chance to work on cutting-edge projects with big budgets!

    Overall, game writing can be a very rewarding career path that offers financial stability and opportunities for creative expression.



    The game industry offers an exciting and rewarding career path for screenwriters who are interested in exploring new storytelling mediums. If you want to be a video game writer, focus on developing your skills in screenwriting, your knowledge of the game industry, along with growing your professional network. With these preparations in place, aspiring game writers can position themselves for success in this rapidly growing video game industry.


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